Land Acknowledgement
Below is a copy the ÉSCS Land Acknowledgement, originally created by students and staff and later updated after receiving feedback from the LRSD Indigenous Education Team. It should also be noted that each of our classes create their own Land Acknowledgement based on work by the students in their class.
It is with humility and respect that we, at École Sage Creek School, acknowledge the traditional territory of those with whom we share this land. We recognize this as the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek, Ininewak, Dakota, and as the national homeland of the Red River Métis. We honour them as the original occupants of Treaty 1 territory. We recognize that Manitoba is also the traditional land of the Anishininwak and Dene.
We also recognize that the water that supplies this facility comes from Shoal Lake 40. A reserve that has only recently been provided with a water treatment plant.
Truth and reconciliation in this country are about relationships and we are all connected to the land that tells the story of these relationships. We acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past and present. We dedicate ourselves to the inclusion of an Indigenous world view in our education, authentic alliances with Indigenous communities, and we commit to standing together in solidarity with Indigenous people as their allies.