Student Services
The Louis Riel School Division gives educational support to students and their teachers. Direct service to the students may be provided in the classroom or in the resource room, while indirect service may be provided through consultation, collaboration and coordination with the classroom teacher.
The resource teacher’s main responsibility is to coordinate services and resources for teachers and students. He or she acts as a consulting agent, collaborating with doctors, psychologists and other specialists as required. The resource teacher must ensure that the appropriate interventions are used to the best interests of students. A resource teacher will also work with teachers to develop the strategies required to meet individual student needs.
Educational Assistants
Educational assistants work with individual students or groups of students under the direction of a teacher, the administration or a group of teachers.
Their various tasks include support within the classroom for students experiencing academic challenges such as speech and language development and fine motor coordination, and they provide support for students with emotional or behavioural challenges.
Counseling Program
The counseling program at École Provencher focuses on the developmental, emotional and social needs of the students. The counselor works closely with administration, teachers and parents to implement school-wide, classroom and individual programs for the students.
The counselor also works in collaboration and consultation with members of the Clinical Services Unit.
Possible programs include:
- social skills
- anger management
- dealing with grief or loss
- self-esteem
- restitution