Who We Are

Our Mission

Marion School strives to provide a safe, caring, supportive and inclusive learning environment which encourages all learners to be responsible, respectful and reach their full potential through the combined effort of school, home and community.

School Information

Marion School is an English program K-8 school in the community of St. Boniface. Our school year is well under way. Information for parents is available on this page. Please see the parent handbook link. Our Parent Council welcomes all parents of current Marion School students to join them.

School Profile

Marion School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 English elementary school located in north St. Boniface close to the Forks. The current enrolment is 136 students with class sizes ranging from 16 to 24. There are 16 teaching and 15 non-teaching staff.

The school is divided into two teams: Early years (K-4) and Middle Years (5-8). Staff members from both teams work together to focus on the academic, personal, and social development of all students. Monthly assemblies, intramurals for all grade levels, interscholastic teams, Book Club, Healthy School Leadership Council, Running Club, Parent Participation evenings, Study Hall, Roller-skating, Breakfast Club, Roots of Empathy, Girls on the Move, Guys on the Go, and Experiential Arts are just a few of the activities offered to our students and their families.

Our special community partnerships include: the Louis Riel School Division, the Youville Centre, Breakfast for Learning, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Healthy St. Boniface, Child & Family Services and Healthy Child Manitoba.

Marion School reflects and celebrates the changing face of Canadian society. It helps students respect the uniqueness that each person brings to the school.

Marion By The Numbers

Grades: K - 8
Number of Students: 133*
* Data collected in August 2018