Fees—full time users
$12/mo. per child (September to June)
The maximum family fee will be $48/mo. (September to June)
Post-dated Cheques | Post-dated cheques may be submitted with the registration form. All cheques must be dated for the first of each month and made payable to St. George School. Please record the student’s name(s) and classroom numbers on each cheque. |
Monthly Payments | Cheque or cash payments may also be made at the beginning of each month. |
Other Payment Options | Please contact the administration to arrange an alternate payment plan. |
Note: The fees paid to the lunch program cover costs associated with adult supervision; students must supply their own lunch.
Fees—casual users
Students staying for lunch on an occasional basis are required to purchase tickets from the school office. The cost of staying at school for lunch on a casual basis is $1 per day. Books of 10 tickets can be purchased at the school office for $10. Casual lunch program users are required to submit a ticket to the lunch supervisor when attendance is taken. Students without a ticket must report to the office to purchase one before receiving permission to stay for lunch.
Note: The fees paid to the lunch program cover costs associated with adult supervision; students must supply their own lunch.
Financial Assistance
Parents or guardians requiring financial assistance should contact the school principal. All requests are confidential.
Cheques will be voided and returned to you if your child will not be using the program during any given month (except for students under suspension).
Lunch fees are a tax deductible item for eligible parent and guardians. Receipts for full time fees will be issued.
All students staying for lunch, whether full time or casual, are required to submit a completed registration form to the office. Non-registered students must go home for lunch.
Noon-hour Schedule
11:45-12:45 p.m.
Adult supervision is provided both indoors and outdoors.
Behavioural Expectations
Our goal at St. George School is to provide a safe and orderly environment in which children may enjoy their lunch. Our expectations for students participating in the St. George lunch program are:
- to remain seated while eating lunch
- to speak using an “indoor” voice
- to respect others space and safety
- to clean and tidy lunch areas so that no garbage is remaining
- to complete all lunch duties as assigned
- to deposit all garbage in trashcans located in the hallway
- to only leave the lunchroom with permission
- to stay on school property at all times during lunch hour
Lunch Supervisors will inform students when they are behaving in an unacceptable manner. If the behaviour persists, the student will receive a lunch warning—communicated to parents by way of a letter. If a student receives three lunch warnings, they will be suspended from the lunch program for one week. Following a lunch suspension, students may not return to the program until the family has met with school administration.
Students receiving a second suspension will be removed from the lunch program for the remainder of the school year.
“Peanut Safer” School
We encourage parents and guardians to refrain form sending foods that may contain peanuts or peanut oil.
Lunch Recess
All students are expected to go outside for the recess portion of the lunch hour. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions.