Student Services

The cornerstones of our Student Services model are teamwork and collaboration.

While the majority of students receive their educational programming in a conventional classroom setting, a continuum of services exists at the school and divisional levels to meet the wide range of needs presented by all students. The Student Services Teachers at Nordale School provide educational support for students and their teachers. Direct service to the students is provided either in the classroom or in another setting as required by the short-term needs of the student. Indirect service is provided through consultation, collaboration and coordination with the classroom teacher, the principal and the parents. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are developed for students by the Student Services personnel, classroom teachers, and parents. Student Services also plan and run small group sessions for social skills and life skills. The Student Services Team at Nordale School is committed to working together with teachers, parents and students to provide the best learning environment to meet the needs of our community.

Philosophy of Inclusion

Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth is committed to fostering inclusion for all people. Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued, and safe. An inclusive community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members.

Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of citizenship.

In Manitoba we embrace inclusion as means of enhancing the well-being of every member of the community. By working together, we strengthen our capacity to provide the foundation for a richer future for all of us.

Services include:

  • the identification, evaluation, and programming of students who require extra supports for learning and/or enrichment opportunities
  • the coordination of necessary supports (Divisional Student Services Department, educational assistants, clinicians, teachers and parents) to meet the needs of students
  • the welcoming of new students and their families
  • assistance for students and their families with personal and school-related social, emotional, and behavioural concerns
  • assistance for families to access outside resources and reference materials
  • the transitioning to high school
  • Early Years literacy support
  • personal or group counseling sessions on a variety of topics including: friendship, loss, self-development, social skills building and stress management are run throughout the year.

Clinical Services Unit

This team of specialists, consisting of a Speech and Language Pathologist, a Social Worker, a Psychologist, an Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist, is part of the student services of the School Division. These specialists are available to parents, students and teaching staff. School staff will contact them after consulting with parents.

Reading Recovery

Nordale offers a program designed to assist students in Grade 1 who are experiencing difficulties in the acquisition of literacy skills. Students work one-on-one with the Reading Recovery specialist on a daily basis. Reading Recovery™ is an early intervention program for six year old students in Grade One. It provides the extra support that some students need in learning to read and write during that critical acquisition stage. At the beginning of the school year children are selected for Reading Recovery™ using classroom teachers’ judgment and results from observation surveys. To help link the acquisition between home and school, your child will be guided in selecting books to bring home.

Early Reading Intervention Program

The Early Reading Intervention (ERI) Program is designed for Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. It provides the extra support that some students need in learning to read and write. The literacy teacher, along with the Grade 1 and 2 teachers, give the observational survey to Grade one students. Students who are identified as needing a boost in literacy skills are then placed in small groups. Children selected for this program receive a daily half hour of additional reading and writing instruction in a small group, under the direction of the literacy teacher. Sometimes, Grade two students are also included in this small group instruction.