French Immersion
For detailed information on the LRSD French Immersion program, visit the links to the right.
French Immersion FAQ
1. Will my child learn the same things as students in English class?
Yes, the curriculum must follow the guidelines of the provincial Department of Education. Materials in French Immersion cover the same basic program as in English; students work toward the same academic goals regardless of the language of instruction.
2. How can we manage if no one in our family speaks French?
The program is designed to immerse students from non-French speaking families in French culture and language to become multilingual. All communications with families are in English.
3. I don’t know anything about French books for children, or how to find games for my child to do in French.
Ask your child’s teacher. They will be happy to advise you.
4. Will my child be “perfectly” bilingual at the end of elementary school?
Learning a language takes time. The more practice there is, the faster it is learned. Children differ in second language acquisition just as they do in their mother tongue. They continue to perfect their abilities in both languages through secondary school. It is important to remember also, that experiences with French speakers outside of school will be useful to round out the academic, and somewhat formal language learned in the classroom.
5. How can I evaluate my child’s progress if nobody speaks French at home?
In addition to the progress reports, there is also communication with the parents through newsletters, parent-teacher interviews, special notices and phone calls. Parents are also welcome to contact their classroom teacher.