b'MENTAL HEALTH &WELL-BEINGIN ACTION In a typical year in the Louis Riel SchoolThe LRSD Clinical Services team created comprehensive resources for school teams and provided in-school supports Division (LRSD), school communities engagefor staff and families. Clinical staff offered full-day training in mental health promotion and support well- for school staff on the topic of trauma informed practice. The training walked staff through the process of how to advocate being in a multitude ofways as we develop anfor and create trauma-sensitive schools that can be safe and increasing understanding ofthe following:engaging learning communities for all students.1. I know what well-being is.Clinicians contributed to a new Well-Being Channel in Microsoft Teams which provides over one hundred resources for students 2. I know what impacts (positively and negatively) my of all ages, families, and staff. A Well-Being and Resiliencewell-being and the well-being of those in my community.document was also developed using the Circle of Courage framework. School Social Workers supported the well-being of 3. I have strategies to improve my well-being and the staff by sending out a Wellness Wednesday email twice a month.well-being of others.The emails encouraged staff to engage in activities to support As staff and students returned to school in the midst of aself-care, health and wellness. Schools also engaged in mental pandemic in September 2020, an even larger focus on the health promotion at a local level to improve well-being within well-being of school communities was critical. their communities.30'