b'BAKING & PASTRY ARTSPROGRAM DESCRIPTION For students with a strong personal interest in pastry and specialty baking. Comprised of both theory and practical training, the program offers instruction in bakeshop management, specialized tools and equipment, control of the baking process, chemical leavening agents, planning and preparation of numerous types of pastries, breads, specialty desserts and cakes. Students will also study topics such as hygiene, and sanitation, as well as, preparation, storage, and handling of supplies and ingredients.COURSES WORK PRACTICUM PART 1 A two week internship in both Part 1 & Part 2is a component of this program Introduction to Baking and Pastry ArtsCOURSE CODE: 8324 (20S)CERTIFICATIONIntroduction to Recipe Formulations LRATC will award certificates to COURSE CODE: 8374 (40S) students who successfully complete the requirements for this eight-credit program.Quick Breads, Cookies, Doughnuts and PiesCOURSE CODE: 8338 (30S) PART 1*four credits, offered in Semester 1. Yeast and Dough Products PART 2*four credits, offered in Semester 2. COURSE CODE: 8339 (30S) Part 1 is not a prerequisite for Part 2. September or February start.PART 2 TUITION / FEESTarts and Special PastriesCOURSE CODE: 8359 (40S) APPLICATION FEE : $20( n/a for High school students ) Cakes, Fillings, Icings and DecorationsCOURSE CODE: 8358 (30S) TUITION :NO COST (high school students)Advanced Baking and Pastries $5000 full programCOURSE CODE: 8998 (40S) $2500 per semester Advanced Bread Products STUDENT FEE :$25 per semesterCOURSE CODE: 8375 (40S) TEXTBOOK FEE :$100 (refundable)ADDITIONAL COSTS : $45 Department of Health Food Safe Certification$100 purchase of uniform$30 purchase of a pastry kit/10'