MAG Community Update - February 25th
A reminder there is an early dismissal this Tuesday, February 27th at 2:37 p.m.
Festival du Voyageur!
It was a busy week at school with a number of activities. Thanks to the Festival committee and all staff and students who helped organize and prepare craft projects, maple taffy, voyageur stations, Festival concert, pancake breakfast and more!
News from the Parent Advisory Committee:
The PAC We love to Read-a-thon is underway. The form is once again attached, and classes who have not already received a printed copy will receive one this week. MAG We Love To Read-a-Thon Form 2024.pdf
Unfortunately, the mild weather caused the skating pond at St. Vital Park to be closed early this year, so the annual Winterlude originally planned for last week had to be cancelled. The PAC is working on a possible community curling event as an alternative for this year – stay tuned!
Contacting the Office for Student Absences:
Please ensure all absences are sent to
Divisional & Community Announcements:
The LRSD draft budget public consultation evening is this Tuesday, February 27th at 6:30 p.m. at the board office on St. Mary’s road. Some staff and parents from MAG will be attending to hear the proposal, ask questions and provide feedback. All community members (families and students) are welcome to attend and can register here.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 27, 2024.................. Staff Meeting / Early Dismissal (2:37 p.m.)
Thursday, March 14, 2024.................... Term 2 student progress reports posted online
Friday, March 15, 2024......................... Divisional PD Day – No classes
Tuesday, March 19, 2024...................... Staff Meeting / Early Dismissal (2:37 p.m.)
Thursday, March 21, 2024.................... Student progress conferences (TBD)
Friday, March 22, 2024......................... Last day of classes before Spring Break
Have a great week,
Tyler & Michelle