General Information

School Schedule 

CJS offers a semester schedule. There are five 75-minute periods per day. Some music classes are taught before 8:30, during the lunch period, and after 3:45. We follow the 6-day school cycle.

Regular ScheduleDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
12:15-1:15lunch hour

Early Dismissal ScheduleDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
11:30-12:30lunch hour

Mid-week Networking ScheduleDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
12:45-1:45lunch hour


Our school year is divided into two semesters. Students should choose courses that will not limit future career choices while being realistic about personal commitment and motivation. Therefore, before selecting courses, consider the following 2 points:

  • Did you achieve a clear and solid pass (understanding) in your subjects in the previous year?
  • Are you prepared to do the work required in the courses you have chosen?

At the beginning of each semester, students receive a course outline which identifies grade distribution. Each course requires a certain number of obligatory summative assignments to be submitted. These assignments must be completed in a timely manner and are weighed in determining the final grade for the course. These assignments will be clearly identified by the teacher and students will be provided with the necessary time to complete them. A final grade for the course will be withheld until such time as students submit all critical summative assignments, satisfactorily meeting the evaluative criteria for each assignment.


“Student assessment supports student learning and then, when the learning time is over, evaluates what individuals know, can do, and can articulate (Herbst & Davies, 2014).”  These words are at the foundation of assessment at CJS. The goal of a classroom assessment plan is to show the student’s evidence of learning from multiple sources such as daily work, assignments, projects, and tests amongst others. Each course requires a certain number of obligatory summative assignments as evidence of student learning as well as formative assignments when students are practicing new skills and acquiring new learning. A final grade and credit for a course is earned when students submit all critical summative assignments, satisfactorily showing that they have met the learning criteria. 

Throughout the semester, teachers, students, and parents/guardians form a learning team that communicates with each other not only at formal times (ex. report cards and parent-teacher conferences) but also as the need arises throughout the semester via email or phone calls. As this is a partnership, teachers will be communicating throughout the semester with you, and we encourage you to do the same should you have any questions or concerns as well. 

Test and assignment retakes

The philosophy of retakes is that they are a privilege not a right. Therefore, this privilege is only given at the discretion of the teacher who will consider the following factors: effort, attitude and the difficulty of the element in question. To be eligible for a retake, students must demonstrate that they have earned the right. (Students can attend remedial classes, do extra research, discuss with the teacher, and work in Student services as examples of demonstrating the desire to improve their academic results.)