Policies and Guidelines


Absenteeism undermines a student’s ability to perform at his/ her best and is particularly detrimental in practical course work. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance is a requirement for all courses, programs and work experience. Excessive absenteeism and lateness will result in a review of a student’s status in a course/program. If deemed appropriate, a student may be withdrawn from a course/program for absenteeism.

Students or parents (of students who are under the age of 18) are required to contact the LRATC Administration Office by phone before the start of class if absent that day. An automatic e-mail will notify students and/or parent/guardians of unexplained absences on a daily basis. Students are expected to be punctual for their classes. Excessive tardiness may result in a program review.

The program teacher is the primary person responsible for monitoring student attendance. In most program circumstances, missed class time will be made up in consultation with the program teacher(s). In cases where a student is sponsored by an outside agency, that agency will also be notified of attendance.

Assessment and Reports

Skill development, understanding of concepts and professionalism are assessed continuously. The internship final report, where applicable, will also be used in determining overall student performance. There are two formal reporting periods per semester:

1st semester: November – mid-term report February – final report
2nd semester:  April – mid-term report June – final report

Students are also assessed on the EDGE.  The EDGE is comprised of six pillars that identify work readiness skills that are needed in todays work force.  An EDGE report card will accompany the students theory and practical report card.

Parents or guardians of secondary students are encouraged to contact program teachers at any time to discuss their son’s or daughter’s progress. Progress review conferences will be held at each mid-term report by appointment only. Students and parents will be notified of dates and times.

Industry Internships

Students registered in a certificate program must complete the required internship for program completion. Times and duration of the internships are determined by the program. Students in a workplace are covered by Workers Compensation.

ATC Certificates

Students who have met all the necessary program requirements will receive an LRATC program certificate. Some programs require an overall average of 60% or 70% and completion of required hours before certification can be issued. Please see individual program information for requirements.

High School Diplomas

Students who successfully complete the provincial requirements will be issued a Manitoba Education High School, Technology Education or Mature Student High School Diploma.

Additional Program Information and Articulation Agreements

Apprenticeship Training: Some programs are accredited for Level I Apprenticeship Certification.

Transfer of Credits: LRATC has an agreement with the University of Winnipeg for students enrolled in the Applied Business program.  Students can take two accelerated credits for credit towards high school and up to six credit hours in the Business Program at the University of Winnipeg.

Industry Certification: Some programs provide the
opportunity to write external exams for recognized industry certification.

Foods Containing Nuts/Peanuts

LRATC is not able to guarantee a peanut/nut free environment due to the nature of the Culinary Arts and Baking & Pastry Arts programs. Peanuts and nuts can be found on our premises and may be used in cooking and baking. LRATC will issue an alert message to students if nuts/peanuts are used. Students are encouraged to exercise caution when purchasing food in our cafeteria.

Authorization for Photo Publication

LRATC is actively involved in marketing ventures that include advertising, newspaper articles, competitions and video presentations that may involve student and staff photos published in print, on video or on the Internet. A form that students (and parents/guardians if under 18) complete in order to give or withhold permission to publish photos will be distributed to students on the first day of classes.

Consent to Disclose Student Information

Students 18 years of age and older must provide written permission if they wish LRATC staff to share information with their parents or guardians. Louis Riel School Division high school students may have completed this form at their high school, in which case it is not necessary to complete it again. Forms will be available on the first day from teachers and then throughout the year from the office.

Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to a professional environment. This means that clothing should be neat, clean, and not torn. As well, inappropriate slogans on clothing, bare midriffs and spaghetti straps are not acceptable. Hats, caps, hoods, are to be removed in some classrooms, and the dining room. Outerwear should be kept in lockers and is not to be worn in classrooms, or the cafeteria food line.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

The plan includes emergency control procedure drills twice per year. Various situations compel response plans to clear school hallways, and we want students, staff and visitors to be prepared. Not all situations are high-risk; some merely demand added caution.

At LRATC, we practice emergency control procedures to establish that:

  • procedures and staff authority are clear to all
  • students understand that these procedures can apply to a range of situations; not all high-risk.

It is important that all visitors follow the emergency control procedure directions of staff without question.

It should be noted that to ensure the safety of our students we will on occasion practice safety drills that include fire drills, lockdown drills, and hold and secure drills.


Students will receive information early in the Spring regarding LRATC's certificate and graduation ceremony. Dates and information regarding grad photos and grad rings will be announced.


Students who become ill during school hours are asked to proceed to the main office to sign out. For students under the age of 18, parents will be contacted before the student is allowed to leave the building.

Internet & Systems Student User Agreement

All students (and parents/guardians if under 18) within the Louis Riel School Division must complete an agreement for the Use of Technology and the Internet.

Safety Equipment, Procedures and Uniforms

Students are expected to comply with program requirements that require the wearing of uniforms or coveralls and/or safety equipment such as safety glasses and boots. Students are responsible for keeping uniforms/coveralls clean and tidy and safety gear in good condition. Proper safety procedures must be followed in all programs. Violation of these expectations may result in suspension.


Divisional policy prohibits the use of tobacco in schools and on school property. E cigarettes are also prohibited on school property.

Start Times

School begins at 8:30 AM with opening exercises, although some programs start at a later time. If you are in the hallways, please remove any hats/caps and stand quietly.  School ends at 3:45, although some programs may end earlier.

Student ID Cards & Photos

Photo Day is in early September and February. All students must have a photo taken at LRATC for their student ID card. ID cards will be required by Winnipeg Transit for reduced fares. Photo packages can also be purchased at a reasonable cost.


All visitors must report to the office to sign in and obtain a visitor's badge. Students are asked not to invite friends to meet at LRATC.

Information Evenings

LRATC schedules three information evenings throughout the school year.  These usually occur in September, February, and April.  Please check the web site for notification of these events.