b'38 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 39LEARNING THROUGH A 21 STCENTURY LENSDOCUMENTARIES, NOVELS, CLOTHING LINES,The success of the Propel gave administration at NMCChoice is a huge component of project-based learning,the confidence to roll out a project-based learning modelhowever its critical to decide where choice will be an VIDEO GAMES AND FUNDRAISERS AREthroughout the entire school. Now in its fifth year, inquiry,option for students and maintain some structure.interdisciplinary opportunities and authentic publicDanys Lachance, a Grade 5/6 teacher at MAG, says that JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS THATaudiences are the guiding principles of all student workproject-based learning focuses on 21st century skills thatWHEN STUDENTS COME HAVE COME TO LIFE IN PROPEL AT NELSONthroughout the high school.will carry students into the real world. cole Marie-Anne-Gaboury (MAG) was also inspiredThe projects obviously have curriculum built intoTO BELIEVE THAT THEY MCINTYRE COLLEGIATE (NMC). to switch up its learning environment after seeing thethem, but they also teach soft skills that we need every positive effects of project-based learning on single day in life such as communication, collaboration,ARE THE ONES STEERING student engagement. researching, and even things like how to craft an email or The interdisciplinary, project-based program invitesproperly store files, said Lachance.THEIR LEARNING, THEY approximately 25 high school students from across the division each semester to earn credits while pursuing anWe visited Nelson McIntyre Collegiate to see what it individualized area of interest. was all about, said Lynne Daumler, Grade 7/8 teacherDaumler and Lachance both agree that the benefitsHAVE A NEW SENSE OF at MAG. Our senior administration was very openthat come out of project-based learning outweigh any Propel immerses students in project-based learning,to tailoring project-based learning to our needs as angrowing pains. As leaders, you have to be flexibleOWNERSHIP.an environment where they work on a project over animmersion school with multi-grade classes. Grade 5 to 8enough for the challenge, said Lachance. Its not more extended period that solves a real-world problem orstudents are prompted to begin a project with a drivingwork, its different workits tweaking what youre answers a complex question. Students demonstrate theirquestion that allows for flexibility and end each projectalready doing to change it to project-based learning. - PATRICK HANSENknowledge and skills by creating a public product orby presenting to an authentic audience. Each new project presentation for an authentic audience, such as a personstarts with a launch event that pushes them toward the or group outside of the teacher and classroom.driving question. For example, students in Daumlers class The more we can find authentic context and audience,participated in a climate march and then were asked the more motivated we see them become, said PatrickWhat does eco-citizenship look like in St. Vital? Students Hansen, teacher in Propel. Students come to life inthen created YouTube videos on the topic and given a really special way and the things theyre able tofreedom to choose what those videos would look like.accomplish when we put them in those situations never ceases to amaze me.Hansen sees the high-quality work that comes out of the program first-hand, but the data also reflects the advantages of project-based learning. Student survey data indicates that 89.5 per cent of students in Propel are engaged and motivated, compared to 27 per cent as the national norm, and attendance rates are at 97 per cent.When students come to believe that they are the ones steering their learning, they have a new sense of ownership, said Hansen. Theyre able to see that the work they do is applicable to the real world and become highly engaged.'