b"34 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 35NELSON MCINTYRE COLLEGIATEWINDSOR PARK COLLEGIATE Its been a busy time at Nelson McIntyre Collegiate. said lots of activities and events were planned. Its theThe schools front yard area was the perfect location forAs well as celebrating graduation, this years class of 2020end of a journey for some, as our first wave are leavingits convocation celebrations. We hosted convocation is the first one to come through the schools reimaginedthe nest, so its both heartwarming and sad. Its anin our front yard and entry way, said Karen Haluschak, high school experience, which started during the 2016- amazing group of kidsthey truly are the poster childrenthe schools principal. We felt like our Grade 12 students 2017 academic year. That year, the Grade 9 students werefor our program, said Smallwood, adding there were 68left us very quickly, so this was a good way to bringTHE FACT THEY HANDLED the first to be involved with the a new project-basedgraduates this year. them back one last time. Because of the landscape learning, which nurtures a growth mindset, creativity,design at the front of the school, Haluschak said eventIT WITH SUCH GRACE IS exploration and empowerment. Each year since, another organizers envisioned the ceremonies to resemble aAN INDICATION OF FUTURE grade has joined in. The model includes an ongoingrunway scenario. We had the students arrive almost working partnership with The Forks. We always want thelike a fashion show runway, where they walk up it kids to do work for an authentic purpose, and an authenticone way. After that, the 98 graduates moved on toSUCCESS, BECAUSE IF THEY audience, said Charlene Smallwood, the schools principal.ITS THE END OF A JOURNEYreceive their diplomas, one by one, and take part in The kids buy into it, and one of the biggest pieces for us isphotographs. Haluschak said organizers enjoyed takingCAN GET THROUGH THIS, the pride the kids have in their work. The Forks has beenFOR SOME, AS OUR FIRSTpart in the planning process, because its so important a wonderful partner, and this was one of the first pieces ofto help make each and every graduate feel special inCHANCES ARE THEYLL the new model. The kids feel valued, which gives them aWAVE ARE LEAVINGhis or her 'spotlight moment. We all looked forward to tremendous amount of confidence. Its been a wonderfulseeing each other and cheering each other on, and weBE ABLE TO GET THROUGH journey. It's that very journey, Smallwood said, thatTHE NEST, SO ITS BOTHencouraged each kid to cheer each other on too, said came to an end for this years Grade 12 contingent, whichHaluschak, adding local motorists added to the ambianceOTHER CHALLENGES, TOO. made the celebrations a little bittersweet for the staff andHEARTWARMING AND SAD.by honking their horns as the school is located on a busy students that have grown so close in the last four years. Instreet and bus route. Vice-principal Heather McCorrister terms of the schools graduation celebrations, Smallwoodsaid the schools administration and staff are proud at- HEATHER McCORRISTERITS AN AMAZING GROUP OFhow the student body and the schools community has KIDSTHEY TRULY AREadapted to life during the pandemic and its numerous challenges it has brought since the school was closed in THE POSTER CHILDREN FORMarch. Were grateful for the support of the community and our students ability to adapt to change. The fact OUR PROGRAM. they handled it with such grace is an indication of future success, because if they can get through this, chances are theyll be able to get through other challenges, too, said - CHARLENE SMALLWOOD McCorrister. We hope the students see that and reflect on that."